Ask the Expert: Carol Browner on the EPA's New Toxic Air Regulations

What are the public health benefits of these new mercury standards?

The air toxic standards that the president has announced have important public health benefits. We know that mercury is a neurotoxin, so reducing the emissions of mercury is hugely important, in terms of saving tens of thousands of lives, in terms of reducing repertory ailments like asthma, and in terms of protecting the overall health of our children.

Can coal-fired power plants meet the new standards without harm?

It's important to understand that these standards have been in the works for many years. In fact, a number of states have already adopted similar standards. While there are some in industry complaining that they won't be able to meet these standards, every indication is that they will be able to meet them. And that they will be able to do so in a commonsense, cost-effective manner, providing important public health benefits to the American people.

How do the president's actions on reducing air pollution compare to recent administrations?

The president has an amazing record on reducing air pollution. From the beginning of his record, he has been committed to clean air. He has been committed to finding cost-effective ways to reduce pollution while giving the business community the certainty and predictability they need to make large-scale investments in new technologies that will mean clean air. For example, the work he did with the car companies, where they have agreed to meet a fuel efficiency standard of 35.5 miles per gallon by model year 2016. And he's continuing to build on that. This is an amazing record of commitment to clean air.