Q: Who is Joseph Kony?

A: Josheph Kony is the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army. It's a rebel group that started in northern Uganda about 25 years ago, and has since moved on to the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo. He's essentially a spiritual warlord. He's abducted about 30,000 children forcibly to be his fighters. He tries to maintain a spiritual element to keep them together, but no one actually ends up believing it because he’s killing his own people. He's mutilating victims and raping young women. So the religious element doesn't have a strong buy in at all.

Q: How do we end the LRA's reign of terror?

A: We've tried many things with the LRA. We've tried peace talks. We've tried a conventional military approach. What's needed now is a strategic focus, a security approach and a civilian component that goes on top of that to basically bleed out the ranks of the LRA. The Obama administration deployed some military advisers to help the current forces to fight the LRA. But that is not enough. We need more to really end the LRA.

Q: What else needs to be done?

A: We need four things to help buttress the advisers. First of all, the advisers have to stay out there. We need eyes and ears on the ground to help locate Kony. We also need better intelligence, transport and troops to get out there and actually find him. It's a very dense jungle out there, if you can imagine what a broccoli forest looks like from the top. The current troops have been cut in half who have been out there trying to find Kony so those need to be support. And we need a lot of civilian initiatives out there to get the message out. To let people below Kony and his top commanders know that they can come out and they can defect. Many have come out, but it's more difficult for them to come out now so there needs to be radio towers set up to get those messages out. There needs to be reception centers for people to come back to so they can run away from the people who have been abducting them for years.